beyond the borders...

explorations and discoveries continue...

Raids of the author in extreme environments to lead an exploration or attend an exceptional event. Be able to be present as closer as possible to observe  an original nature. He can involve of observing a volcanic eruption or to lower at the bottom of a crater, or exploring a new cave or dive into a lake of glacier... the common denominator is always the absence of long-lasting life, at least as regards the human race, from where the term of raids which involves a relatively time-limited stay.

On the other hand, thèse extreme territories can welcome various forms of life among which the adaptations to the stress as heat, pressure, cold, acidity, send back to us  in the mists of time, there is a few million years. Live outstanding experiences, feel intense feelings and bring back testimonies with the aim of sharing with the largest number a vision of a world not so distant, ours.



  • organize expeditions favoring the authentic approaches (walking, ski touring, kayak ...)
  • approach as closely as possible to the objective in respect to the elementary rules of safety
  • stay on the spot as much as is needful
  • make video shootings and photos on unexplored territories



  • preparation, support and realization of expedition projects
  • institutional movie with educational and / or scientific character
  • movie of expedition in difficult conditions
  • specific mission requiring an excellent knowledge of the environment (volcanoes, caves, underwater exploration, high mountains ...)
  • advice on the physiology of adaptations to extreme conditions (extreme temperatures, high altitude, hyperbaric environment ...)


Visa pour l'Image, Perpignan 2010

Festival du scoop, Angers 2010

France Inter / Au détour du monde/  Sandrine Mercier, 2005 / Voyage au centre de la terre / 2005


Journal Bild/ Ski sous terre/  article Georges Robert / 2004

France Info / Les aventuriersRégis Picart, 2001